Hello Internet

I have my own corner of the internet , it feels kinda awesome.My own personal
website where I can write about things that interest me and perhaps share with friends. It could serve as a diary , but I have to be careful, I should not get 100% share mode. I could write about the projects I am working on. There are ton of possibilities, by doing this I unlock more pathways in the tree of possibilities excited to see where this leads. The act of writing help you to think more clearly, I hope also by doing this that I get more clarity on how things really are.

Let's jump in by the first write up.

Some things cannot be known until you actually go out and just do it.
That thought experiment of a girl being locked up in a room , where all the presence of a specific color is banished,She will stay there for a long period of time learning about the banned color ,its properties ,everything that has to do with the color except on one aspect ,she doesn't know how the color looks like
,the central question that was asked it , will she learn anything new by seeing this color for the first time?

Answer is yes , for example she will learn how this color makes her feel
does she like it or not? how the color is in different light conditions, these nuances. All this cannot be known before hand ,she had to experience this color
to find this out . This phenomena ,what I should call it? experience understanding? I am pretty sure there is an apt name for this ,concise yet elegant.
Anyhow this phenomena firmly entrenched in our lives.

Somethings can only be known until you do it/experience?
Do I want this career? Do I want this job? Do I want to marry this person? etc
I am pretty sure I could have picked better examples but this will do.
So the question rather becomes ,how to minimize the cost of exploring
and gather as much data on things ,on your likes ,dislikes
to get a better map of yourself, which will pay dividends in the long term.
That's food for thought.

Signing out,